Tuesday 25 April 2017

Learning Journal

Listening text

Entrepreneur Scott Dinsmore left life at a Fortune 500 company to help others do work that they love. After researching what thousands of employees truly wanted out of life, he founded the organization Live Your Legend. As the Chief Experimenter, he not only supplied practical career tools but connected more than 100,000 people worldwide to encourage each other's dreams -- putting community at the center of success. Dinsmore died in September 2015 while on a year-long trek around the world. His legacy will live on through his passion, dedication and strong community of dreamers and doers.

What i heard from his speech
          Somebody said 'you are where you want to be', if you are not happy enough with your job, and you change job, it's because you just wanted to do it, if you don't, it's because you didn't want to. Free will. Combining passion and will is a matter of luck, the right moment, the right degree, the right person, the right place... But, when your family depends on what you do, free will becomes secondary, love for them is first. 'The Pursuit of Happyness' comes to my mind, leaving everything for a dream, even not having a bed where to sleep and something to eat seemed worth it for the sake of that persuit, that was a risk with a happy end. Some people were born to dream and others to live, personal decision.

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Week 3 use the outliner function of Diigo

      First of all, let we know what is Diigo?

      Diigo stands for “Digest of Internet Information, Groups and Other stuff.” It is a social bookmarking program that allows you to save your ‘favourites’ online, so that they can be accessible from any computer with an internet connection. However, Diigo does much more than this.

    The outliner function of Diigo is really useful to:
        1. help you organise your thoughts ( brainstorming and planning )
        2. keep track of your references ( evaluating which are useful or not ) 

                ( Here is the example to showing how to use outliner function of Diigo )

         As you read on the web, as well as bookmarking websites, you can also highlight parts of web pages that are of particular interest to you. Or, you can attach sticky notes to specific parts of web pages. These highlights and sticky notes are persistent – whenever you return to the original web page, you will see your highlights and sticky notes superimposed on the original page, just what you would expect if you highlighted or wrote on a book!

Finally, here is the link for you. If you wanna use the Diigo.

Monday 10 April 2017

Learning Strategy

   According to Jasmina Hasanbegovic,“learning strategies refer to Studentsself-generated thoughts, feelings, and actions, which are systematically oriented toward attainment of their goals”.
      Therefore, implementation of appropriate learning strategies is related to student's self-regulation behavior which in turn should be encouraged by pedagogical designs.

                              ( http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/Learning_strategy)
                                        What are different types of learning strategies?

             3 Powerful Learning Strategies

1. Spaced PracticeSpace out your studying over time.
  • Far too many students wait until the night before a test to study for it. Similarly, teachers often wait until the day before a test to review. When enough students score well on the test, it appears they have learned the material. But a few weeks later, most of that information has vanished from students’ minds. For more durable learning, the studying has to take place in smaller chunks over time.
2. Retrieval PracticePractice bringing information to mind without the help of materials.
  • Many people think of “studying” as simply re-reading notes, textbooks, or other materials. But having the information right in front of us doesn’t force us to retrieve it from memory; instead, it allows us to trick ourselves into thinking we know something. Recalling information without supporting materials helps us learn it much more effectively.
3. ElaborationExplain and describe ideas with many details.
  • This method asks students to go beyond simple recall of information and start making connections within the content. Students should ask themselves open-ended questions about the material, answer in as much detail as possible, then check the materials to make sure their understanding is correct.

Monday 3 April 2017

Reflective Journal

         Online Learning vs Classroom Learning

   In our 5th week of the academic literacies class, we do the most interesting discussion which is board and online engagement. For my opinion, I would like to choose online learning for my prefer, by the way, I am not deny with the classroom learning is worse than online learning.

  Here is my opinion about online learning and classroom learning.
  ONLINE LEARNING  Strength: 1.You can learning online in everywhere (only need the internet)
  2.You can study every time and reasonable arrangement your time
  3.Even you have some problems during the learning online, you can back to watch again, which means you have second chance to understand (if you very shy to ask teacher your question)
  Weakness: 1.If you learning online, you can only discuss by words, by the way, you can face to face in the classroom.
  Here is my opinion about online learning and classroom learning.
   CLASSROOM LEARNING  Strength: 1.Study at classroom, you can discuss by face to face. (more cooperation and communication)  2.You would get more interact with your classmate and teacher. 

  Weakness: 1.You should go to class on time, if something like the traffic delay, you will be late, and you will miss some knowledge when you walking on the way.

                                       (All the opinion by my own, and it's only for looking)