Tuesday 28 March 2017

Week journal

         In our last lesson, Mr.Bass gave us a simple test about our understanding and analysis skill. That was a nightmare, I was only heard a topic---Humblr Pencil and a little bit history about humble pencil. OMG, even after the speak over, I am still in a state of confusion,  and I only write two sentences in my book, i don't know what things just happen, but i am sure lisening  and collect the main words are a challenge for me, i can only write some key words but never can write sentences about what i heard. So, right now, i need to improve my listening skills, because i don't wanna the similar things happen again.

Learning Journal For Week 1

                                                          My preferred learning style
    I finished the quiz in this Thursday which is "DISCOVER YOUR PREFERRED LEARNING STYLE", and I knew my preferred leaning style is VISUAL. The visual learning style, often referred to as the spatial learning style, is a way of learning in which information is associated with images. If you use the visual style, you prefer using images, pictures, colors, and maps to organize information and communicate with others. For myself, I prefer to use mind maps, and use color and pictures in place of text, wherever possible, also the visual journey or story technique helps me memorize content that isn't easy to 'see.' That is what l learned before, and that is my preferred learning style--VISUAL.


Saturday 18 March 2017

The better way to learn the vocabulary

      In this Thursday, our teacher crated a class which is a relation vocabulary tool to improve our vocabulary. First time when i use that vocabulary tool, it just give some questions about words, and it's make me confused, because i hate do the questions like that, so i am very reluctant to do a question, after that i find a very interesting thing of this tool, it will gave you detail explain about the question word, that was pretty good. When i finished a set of questions, i got a new word from the question---"Tattoo", and i got the meaning form that tool. Tattoo means a permanent design made on skin with a needle and ink. So i understand that word right now and i put that word into my vocabulary list. By the way, the vocabulary list also can help you review all of the words you don not understand. Finally, i wanna share this link for you guys, because i think it will help you improve yourself.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

My preferred learning style

Thursday, March 9,2017
I am just finished the quiz which is "DISCOVER YOUR PREFERRED LEARNING STYLE", and I knew my preferred leaning style is VISUAL.

What is the Visual Learning Style?
The visual learning style, often referred to as the spatial learning style, is a way of learning in which information is associated with images. This learning style requires that learners first see what they are expected to know. People with a visual learning style are often referred to as visual-spatial learners.

If you use the visual style, you prefer using images, pictures, colours, and maps to organize information and communicate with others. You can easily visualize objects, plans and outcomes in your mind's eye. You also have a good spatial sense, which gives you a good sense of direction. You can easily find your way around using maps, and you rarely get lost. When you walk out of an elevator, you instinctively know which way to turn.
Some Good Idea
The whiteboard is a best friend (or would be if you had access to one). You love drawing, scribbling and doodling, especially with colours. You typically have a good dress sense and colour balance (although not always!).
Learning and techniques
If you are a visual learner, use images, pictures, colour and other visual media to help you learn. Incorporate much imagery into your visualizations.
You may find that visualization comes easily to you. This also means that you may have to make your visualizations stand out more. This makes sure new material is obvious among all the other visual images you have floating around inside your head.
  • Use colour, layout, and spatial organization in your associations, and use many 'visual words' in your assertions. Examples include see, picture, perspective, visual, and map. 
  • Use mind maps. Use colour and pictures in place of text, wherever possible. If you don't use the computer, make sure you have at least four different colour pens.
  • The visual journey or story technique helps you memorize content that isn't easy to 'see.' The visual story approach for memorizing procedures is a good example of this.
  • Peg words and events come easily to you, however you need to spend some time learning at least the first ten peg words. Afterwards, your ability to visualize helps you peg content quickly.
  • The swish technique for changing behaviour also works well for you, as it relies on visualization.